Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tips for joint pain

Take Forever Freedom juice for 3months and additional to that any of the following:

For More Details on Forever Freedom, Visit

Warm bath is the highly helpful water treatment for joint pains.

One can consume garlic cloves fried in butter for treatment of joint pains and is good Home Remedy for Joint Pain.

Drink a cup of papaya seed tea six or seven times every day for two or three weeks to get relief from joint pain.

Mix up two to three teaspoonful of winter cherry with ghee and molasses to make porridge. Eat this porridge on empty stomach for 15-20 days. This is good Home Remedy for Joint Pain.

Bananas are measured as the best for the joints as they give strength and grease to the joints.

Carrot juice is highly beneficial as it make stronger the ligaments and is good Home Remedy for Joint Pain.

Two teaspoons apple cider vinegar and 2-3 teaspoons of honey dissolved in a small glass of warm water gives relief from joint pains. This remedy is Home Remedy for Joint Pain

Mix fresh carrot juice with equal parts of lemon juice and take one large teaspoonful daily for treatment of joint pains. One of the good home remedies for joint pain.

Gomukhasana is helpful yogic asana for the cure of joint pains.